Thursday, September 3, 2009


In this afternoon's therapy session, Mike went up steps, turned around and came back down. Every day we are amazed at Mike's progress. He continues to strengthen those around him. He encourages the other patients and speaks words of gratitude to those who assist him. We feel as though Mike's caregivers are our dear friends. Mike has had faith promoting talks with most of them.

Mike's brother, Rick remains in very critical condition. He has not had the bypass surgery yet. His condition must stablize before that surgery takes place. We ask for prayers in his behalf.

If I could be so bold to ask that you PLEASE not visit Mike until after 6 rather than during his therapy sessions. Mike's time with the therapists is so very important to his progress and he really cannot stop to talk to visitors. Mike will be more than happy to tell you about his progress when he has been able to rest. If you want to visit during his dinner hour, that is fine too. You will find him in the common dining room.

Thank you all so much for your support. Wendy brought such a lovely dinner last night. We were able to eat together with Mike's mom and sister who needed our support. I will be forever grateful to you for your love and encouragement.


  1. Go, Mike go!!! Every step takes you just one step closer to the door you are aiming for!!! I am quite sure the therapist are thrilled to have you as their client!! Hope Rick has a better day today as well. Great to hear you are progressing daily!!
    love and hugs,

  2. I can't even imagine how many lives Mike has touched and influenced during his stay at this hospital. He is changing lives!

  3. You both have brought a lot of joy into that hospital...without a doubt! I almost wish I were a patient on Mike's floor so I could receive the positive energy and faith talks that you are both so much about. Hooray for the steps...unbelievable! Hooray for dinner (be glad that I didn't cook it), hooray that you spent some good time with Jan and Joann. This will be a good weekend for all....plan on it!

