Thursday, September 17, 2009

An amazing day...

Today was such a great day! I was so nervous about Mike coming home and being able to maneuver through our house. I don't know what all the nerves were about... He handled everything like a pro. He liked the new (sturdy, not gushy) chair I bought yesterday. The therapist thought it should be a few inches higher... I guess my feet will dangle from it, but it will be the right heighth for Mike. Our contractor friends are going to fix it tomorrow. He walked into the bedroom and was able to negotiate getting into and out of bed. He then walked into the bathroom and was able to sit on the new shower seat and swing his legs over the tub. He walked back out into the dining room and we all had lunch! The bottom line here is that we passed with flying colors :)

Don't anyone think that I am wonder woman and pulled a great lunch together. My good friend who caters helped out with the main dish and great fruit salad and cookies. I steamed rice and cooked some broccoli in the microwave :) It was so good to just see Mike walk through the door, that I don't think I will ever take that for granted again.

Tomorrow we have planned a little party for the caregivers on the 4th floor. It happens around noon... Mike and I are both excited to give something back to them.

This has been such a trying stay in the hospital. Mike has worked so hard and we are so ready for him to be home! We have almost made it...


  1. You are remarkable to say the least! :)

  2. I was going to say just what Nan said. You are both amazing. Love you guys!

  3. YOU PASSED!!!! YOU PASSED!!!! what wonderful news and what a good, good day. glad Mike is back home where he needs to be.

  4. Team Ellis
    I don't think anyone of us who know Team Ellis would expect anything less than your passing the test for Mike to make it at home. Glad it all went well and the day is nearing that you are all under the same roof once again. Congratulations and keep doing what you are doing so well!!
    love and hugs,

  5. Hooray!!! It was fun to hear about the home visit going so well. I bet not many contractors and hospital personnel get treated to a nice lunch in a client's home. Sounds like most of us would need a stair step to use Mike's new chair. (That's one way to make such it's reserved for only him)!

    Hope the hospital staff on 4th floor enjoy the special send-off party for Michael Wayne. What a great idea! Happy Homecoming!

    Love and prayers,

    Jan (aka Sis)

  6. I reserve the right to think that you are wonder woman. :)

    Congratulations on passing the home visit "test"... and how great it was to see Mike coming home reminds me of how excited Hallie gets every single day when Devin comes home.

  7. Woo hoo!! Now we can all be more a part of the Mikeisms and Nancyisms on the HOME FRONT. And let's not forget the Rudyisms!! I am just thrilled...there are not too many people like you two walking on this earth. I am all the stronger: mentally, physically and spiritually because of what you two have showed us all. Thanks for paving the way for a beautiful homecoming.


  8. I echo the thoughts of the previous responders. I'm thrilled to know that Mike will be home tomorrow. What a tremendous hurdle the two of you have overcome this month in the hospital. Enjoy a joyous homecoming tomorrow.
