Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday update

we got a bit of a late start to church,but were still on time. we were both very tired after abusy weekend with guests Nancy stayed up too late talkinglast night.

we both need more naps today and some rest tonight.


  1. MIke and Nancy,
    here is a quick update from Peru. We went to church today - drove the car into the chapel. Well it is a home and chapel which used to be a firestation. And to get the car off the street you have to drive it in where the firetruck used to be. The members (all 15) were seated in front of this. Karen drove home. She was glad to finally be driving again. She doesn't like being cared for by everyone when she can do it herself. We're so glad to learn that you got out for a drive, checked on your community service and were able to attend church. Happy snooze time!

    J and K

  2. It's good to hear from you, Mike. Not that it isn't good to hear from Nancy, but since you are the object of this blog......


  3. So glad you were able to make it to church--it's always great to see you both.
    I stayed up talking way too late last night with a good friend, too. That's what happens when wonderful people come to town. It's always worth it, though!
    Happy napping!

    Funny-my word verification was pro-gab--which describes last night perfectly. At least I'm a pro at something. :)

  4. I know how happy you were to both be in church again yesterday, even though the tiredness set in. You have so many wonderful friends...a testament to your lives. Have a good week....

